Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We investigated under the house last night... no skunk but still an awful smell, guess we'll just have to wait it out. We didn't hear the monsters last night either, my guess is because I had the dryer running, it thumps the floor all night, they may have been discouraged to make a visit... sooo no symphony by the monsters hammering away on the pipes... I know they'll be back, Jay thinks I'm crazy but he'll see... when one wakes him up in the middle of the night standing over him after watching him sleep... Lol ;-)

Numb hands investigation's outcome was much the same, inconclusive still. I went to the doctor this morning, his words "you have nothing to worry about but it needs to be taken care of so I'd like to try an "experiment" and then we'll go from there, as to what is the cause of the numbness!" Aren't doctors always experimenting? So anyhow, he injected me with 'something' (injections scare the crap out of me w/ so many psychos out in the world & his nurse's name is Holga!!! Holga + experiment = anxiety (clearly I have watched to many sci-fi movies)) Anyhow, the injection, a steroid or something, has made my whole left hand and arm numb, 'worse', he said that is what would happen in the first hour. Now I wait it out for 'another' week to see if I get better, stay the same or am worse and then we'll more likely do more experiments until it miracuosly goes away on its on... why do people tell me to go see a doctor? I have a clean bill of health just strange things happen to me, daily, Black widow, bees, random swelling, numbness, skunks, black cats, opposums, rats, paranormal phenomenons amongst many many many others. I just laugh at it all! New adventure I guess... updates soon.

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